Psalm 127:3-5

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!"

Keith & Kristyn Getty

Tonight Kyle and I attended a concert at Southern by Keith & Kristyn Getty. If you are not familiar with them, they wrote the much loved song, In Christ Alone, that many churches now sing. The concert was so wonderful! As I mentioned to Kyle afterward, the neat thing about going to a concert like theirs is that it's like your just worshiping together. It's a night of singing and worshiping together, one voice, one passion, one Savior and Lord! Our eyes were turned towards our Savior as we sung about his death, his compassion, his grace, etc...

They have some new songs coming out on an album in a few months that we got to hear tonight and they were wonderful! The most recent song they wrote was on Christ's compassion towards us. When they sang it tonight it was such a genuine song, full of praise towards our Savior. I can't wait for it to come out on CD!

I'll post a few videos so that you can be introduced to their beautiful music.

Here is also a link for an interview video with Keith and Kristyn if you're interested.


Anonymous said...

These videos are beautiful! Tis wonderful to sing along with them! Special worship time! I am so glad that you and Kyle were able to go to the concert tonight!!
What a special worshipful time that was!!

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