Well, we've been married for 7 weeks today. It has been a joyous time and neither one of us would trade it for anything! We love being married and love growing together as a couple. God has been so good to us and continues being faithful!
I have decided that since most of ya'll who view this blog are hundreds of miles away from us, I would like to "have you over to our home"... via my blog. So, here are some pictures of our apartment... just imagine we're greeting you at our door and welcoming you in... we so wish we could in person!!!Welcome into our living room. We're glad you're here! :-)
Our beautiful (haha) pink couch and end tables...
This used to be a closet but someone before us took off the door and made it into shelves. We've enjoying having them to decorate.
Our amazing living room window that we enjoy so much while eating at our table or sitting on our couch.
The other end of the living room... what you would see when you first walk in. The doorway on the left leads into our kitchen. The doorway on the right leads into the hallway.
Our "china hutch" ... we haven't really figured out what to call this, but since our kitchen is so small, we put most of our dishes in here to use. It works really well! The scripture verse above is actually vinyl letters that just stick up on the wall. I learned about these from a Seminary Wives Class on decorating on a budget.
Also, we needed extra space for kitchen things so this is a little island that a friend gave us and has been a wonderful tool! It adds extra counter space too. Woo hoo!
Walking into our little bitty kitchen... which I spend A LOT of time in and LOVE! Yes, I do wear that apron, a lot! :-)
Here's our little kitchen... (notice our basil plant on the window seal on the left)
Close up!
Our bathroom...
Our bedroom...
Our Office... i.e... Kyle's "Man Cave" haha! He spends a lot of his time working on things at this desk...
My end of the office... my "book-nook"...
Our bookshelves... his is on the left and mine on the right with DVD's in between.
Well, here's a short introduction to our home. Maybe one day soon you can come over in person and sit down for some dessert and coffee with us!
We love ya'll!
Tissue? Crybaby...
14 years ago
What a cute place! I love how it's decorated...and so tidy! I appreciate tidiness even though mine is not nearly as tidy as I would like! I know you guys enjoy it! Thanks for letting us come in!
BEAUTIFUL!! :-)) You have done a great job arranging everything. It is so much fun to have a place of your own now!! Perfect colors and that livingroom window is fantastic!! I love the light!! Thanks for inviting Dad & I in. We look so forward to actually being there for Thanksgiving, Lord Willing!! :-))
Love you!!
Michelle, I love your place!! It is so beautiful. God Bless you!!
ups! I forgot to sign!
I loved this post! So fun to see your place :) Thanks for inviting me in! Our internet is down so I'm viewing your lovely apartment on my iPhone, haha :) I had to catch up with everyones posts now that I'm home! Love you girl!
WOW girl the place looks great!!! You have done an amazing job. I would love to come visit..maybe soon!!!
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