13 November 2009

Happy 5th Anniversary!

Life has been moving ahead full force as we are wrapping up this semester of school. Kyle's classes have been going well and he's excited that this next week is his last week of class! We're also preparing for my parents to come in town a week from tonight. Woo hoo! We are so excited and haven't seen them since our wedding... 5 months ago, today!

As to an update on married life... it's GREAT!!! I would never trade it! I have learned so much about myself, my sin, life, what it means to be a supportive wife, what my biblical role is, how to care for my own home and keep it running, how to carve out time for my hubby and I to have "us" time during a school semester, and how to keep our schedule from filling up completely! We've really sought to keep life simple, and free from as much stress as possible and to just enjoy this stage of life... just the two of us!

My husband is incredible! Every day I grow to love him more and see how perfectly God has fit us together. He is such a strong leader, a wise accountant, a good steward of his resources, a humble servant (especially when it comes to helping around our apartment or helping me with a project), and a godly husband. His desire to grow in his understanding of the gospel and the role of a husband is so encouraging for me and I love to see his passion for other young husbands to do the same! I have been intrigued to watch as the Lord has really built into Kyle a deep desire for men to stand up and take on their roles as husbands and fathers; investing in their families and representing Christ to them. Kyle grows everyday in his role as husband and he works so hard to fill that role in a God-honoring way. I am blessed, beyond measure, to have Kyle Roland as my husband!

Do we fight? No. We have disagreements that need to be resolved sometimes, but we really strive to have good communication between the two of us and to honor the Lord in our responses to each other. Kyle is a consistent example to me of patience... he is so patient with me, never losing his temper or allowing his emotions to take control. If he notices that I am quiet or that something is wrong, he gently draws it out of me and we talk it through. What blessings the fruit of good, open communication brings when we practice this!

Kyle is my absolute best friend! I still would rather enjoy his company and spend time with him more than anyone else! Of course, I LOVE my time with other girls... but most nights, I'd rather be with him, enjoying his company; laughing together and talking about life and such. We still go to coffee shops to study and read. They are a highlight of our week when we can go together.

We love our church, Crossing Church, and the people who have become our new "family." Our care group is awesome and filled with many ages and life stages. Kyle is involved with an early morning (I mean EARLY... 6am) group study with some of the guys from our group every week. They are reading through the book "Manly Dominion" together and sharing in a time of accountability. Kyle has really enjoyed this time with the other 4-5 guys. A group of girls from our care group and I are just starting to meet up as well on Monday nights for a bible study on the book of Luke. We are using John MacArthur's Luke Study. I am really super excited to be studying a Gospel! This is the perfect time to start it too because the story of Christ will be fresh on our minds as we enter into the Christmas season.

As to life in general... it's going well. Kyle is still working for Sherwin-Williams selling paint and I am still working for Louisville Spinal Care at the front desk. We are grateful for God's provision through our jobs at this time and for this season! I'm still cooking a lot and enjoying my kitchen! I've also taken up sewing again recently for some Christmas gifts for a party next week. I am completely inspired again to sew! (I grew up sewing a lot.) I can't wait to start more projects!

Well, dinner is smelling good in the kitchen, so I better go put the finishing touches on it. Kyle should walk through our door any minute from work!

We love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, it just blesses my heart to read how well you and Kyle are doing. I'm thankful for you both and I'm so happy for ya'll.
