22 December 2009

Christmas is a Comin'

Here in the Roland household we have candles a burning, stockings a hanging, presents under the tree, and the table set for a festive dinner together as we celebrate our first Christmas as a married couple. We are so excited about what God has done in our lives this last year and are so blessed to be together!

Growing up in the Oliver household, our tradition was to always celebrate our immediate family Christmas time together on Christmas Eve, then on Christmas day we would gather with our families and join them. Then, when my older brother, Michael, got married to his wonderful wife, our traditions began to change slightly. They would still come to my parent's house for our traditional Chinese food dinner, then open gifts between our two families, with my Dad reading the Christmas story. Then Christmas morning Michael and Lisa enjoyed celebrating Christmas with their sweet little boys at their home... then they would join us with our extended family for later during the day.

Now that Kyle and I are married... we've changed up these traditions quite a bit due to us living 900+ miles away from my family! However, this year will be very special because we are spending Christmas with Kyle's parents and we are very excited about being with them! We decided to follow in a similar tradition as my family by celebrating our own family's Christmas tonight (since we both work long days tomorrow), exchanging our gifts for each other and my side of the family, then joining the Roland family on Thursday. It so happens that my family in Texas is also celebrating their "Christmas Eve" tonight because my sweet nephew, Logan (3), is having heart surgery tomorrow morning. (More to come on that tomorrow. Please be praying for him!) So we are hoping to skype the Oliver's tonight as they celebrate together.

Well, this is just a little update about what is going on here in the 'Ville. More to come soon...

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