05 January 2010

Adopting for Life Conference

Southern Seminary is hosting the Adopting for Life Conference in February. We are really excited to hear teaching regarding adoption from speakers Dr. Russell Moore, David Platt, and Jedd Medefind. Kyle will be running sound/media for it but I'm hoping to go and be apart with him.

One note on David Platt, a couple semesters ago he preached in Chapel at Southern and held the audience in amazement as he quoted from memory the first 8 chapters from Romans while preaching on the Great Commission. Many were brought to tears. Check it out at the above link. You can't tell that he's quoting it on the recording, but I was there and saw it happen with my own eyes! Does the word of God bring us to our feet to shout "amen"?

Here's a video about the Adoption Conference that one of the guys Kyle works with put together:

Adopting For Life Conference- Friday & Saturday, February 26-27th 2010 from Southern Seminary on Vimeo.


  1. Hey Michelle, this looks great! Wish I could be there. I'm about to read his book - it's been on my wish list for months. Soak up all the good info!! I love seeing churches get passionate about adoption. Busy with my own little ones. Gotta go~

  2. I couldn't get the video to work...I tried every which way :( But the conference sounds awesome!

  3. Jessica, it works on my computer but not on my Itouch. Did you try it on your laptop?
