I made my first batch of cultured veggies, coconut kefir, and coconut "cheese" last night. It took me about 3 hours to complete, not including the dishes!
I used the Marinara-Style Cultured Veggie recipe. I also consulted glued myself to this article with step-by-step instructions and pictures. My jars turned out beautifully, just like the recipe. It's really not that hard, just a little time consuming! Now they just have to sit for 4-7 days to finish culturing.
Next came the Coconut kefir. I enlisted the help of my strong husband to crack these things!
First he bored three holes into the tops of the young coconuts for us to drain the coconut water out of. Each coconut contains about 1 1/2 cups of sweet water. It's really quite yummy. After collecting the water, I heated it slightly, then added the Body Ecology Kefir Starter. In about 4 days we will have a great tasting Coconut Kefir to drink. It is highly nutritional for our bodies, especially for those of us who have a dairy allergy and cannot drink kefir made from cow's milk.
Lastly, this was the exciting part... cracking the coconuts open to get the meat out. Thankfully, Kyle is a very patient man and proceeded to spend a while cracking open the coconuts with a screwdriver and hammer.
Here he is... patiently pounding away...
Here is the inside... look at all that yummy coconut. I scooped this out, rinsed it, and threw it in the blender with some filtered water and made a pudding / yogurt / cheese mixture (whatever you want to call it!). I then added another culture packet and allowed it to culture overnight, rewarding us this morning with a nice little coconut yogurt. The culture eats the sugar out of the mixture so those of us with Candida do not have to worry about feeding our yeast infection. Yay!
Ta Da!
Kyle cracking a coconut open from Michelle Roland on Vimeo.
***Note: Today is day 7 and I opened my veggies and they are great! Definitely a very strong onion and garlic taste, but mixed with a salad or other veggies they will make for a great, healthy addition to our meals. My Coconut Kefir however, did not turn out so good when I opened it on day 4. I think I let it sit out too long and it turned almost into a coconut vinegar. SO... next time, I'm doing only 2 days!***
awesome! You go girl! Props to Kyle for spitting open the coconut :) Let me know how everything tastes once it is finished! I'm still trying to figure out all that I may or may not do....time, money, family....it all plays into it and keeps me confused!
ReplyDeleteLet me tell ya, girl, it definitely takes a lot of time and organization to be on a strict diet, but it is so worth it if it heals your body. I'm trying to tell myself that anyways... haha!