10 April 2010

Our First Garden

Today Kyle and I got up on this beautiful spring Saturday morning and headed downtown to check out a little gardening/seed store we had been told about. Our intention was to buy plants there then head to Home Depot for dirt (much cheaper!). Well, as we pulled up to Bunton's Seeds, we realized there was a new little "hole in the wall" organic gardening store that had opened across the street. We decided to check it out and quickly fell in love with it. We ended up buying our plants and seeds there and happily came home with a variety of herbs and veggies.

We thoroughly enjoyed planting our little garden together today. We are still in our apartment complex so we did a small raised bed that our managers built when they made their own garden. I posted pictures on facebook of the whole process, but I wanted to post the videos here.

We planted: peppers, onions, cucumbers, lettuce, cilantro, basil, parsley, and dill. 

Click here for the facebook pictures.

Our First Garden from Michelle Roland on Vimeo.

Gardening Video Continued from Michelle Roland on Vimeo.


  1. The Garden looks great!! Ya'll did a great job. I can't wait to see the growing plants!! Have fun!!

  2. Thanks Mom! Yeah, I'll have to post further entries updating everyone on the growing garden.

  3. yup, think I'll show up for dinner in about two months, haha :) And even though the little containers are biodegradable I wouldn't think you could plant in them because then the roots would have to penetrate that. It would probably work, just think it may stunt or slow things down a little. And nope, I didn't research that, just my thoughts :D Love the garden!!

  4. Your garden looks great!! Yes, you can plant those containers, as they just decompose. Throw them in your compost pile if you have one b/c they're a good "brown" source. Missed seeing you at Mom's group but hope you're enjoying the conference!!
