18 June 2010

17 Weeks - Baby "Onion" Roland

Here we are at week 17! Baby and I have been feeling much better overall! I have little nausea now and the main things I'm feeling are stretching muscles. I'm not sure if I've actually felt the baby move yet, but I am beginning to notice small things in my lower abdomen where the baby is at. However, I'm still waiting for that punch or kick! haha...

Baby Center says about this week:
Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

Baby Fit says:
This week, your baby begins to develop fat cells (also known as adipose tissue). As your baby grows, these fat cells are essential to maintaining heat production and body temperature. Right now, water makes up most of your baby's body, but by the end of your pregnancy, more than three-quarters of his or her birth weight will be fat. 

Supposedly if we open the palm of our hand, our baby can "sit" in the center of it! How exciting! 

Many people find out this week or next the gender of their baby but we are still waiting until week 20. I am about to go crazy with anticipation, wondering about our child! Will it be a boy? A girl? Who knows! haha... but we are so very excited for either one! At first I thought it might be a girl, but more recently I've been thinking it may be a boy. We'll just have to wait and see! 

Kyle and I went paint shopping the other day and decided on nursery colors for both genders. After my sonogram appointment on July 6th, I am flying out to Texas for a week that evening to see my family and friends. While I'm gone, Kyle's plan is to paint the nursery, thus allowing most of the paint fumes to hopefully filter out before I return home. I can't wait to start fixing up the nursery, decorating, organizing, and getting everything perfect for our little bundle of joy!

Mommy Update: I've been feeling pretty good this week, just sleeping A LOT! On Wednesday, I literally slept almost the entire day and then went back to bed that night and slept the whole night through! I couldn't hardly believe it! I'm assuming that the baby must be hitting a growth spurt to cause me to be so tired. I'm beginning to notice some weight gain on myself and I'm trying to not freak out! I know that I have to gain some to have a healthy baby, but it's also making me rethink some of my food cravings and realize that I need to really focus on nutrition and not just follow cravings. (Not that my cravings have been completely horrible... just not the most nutrient dense!) I'm also striving to get some exercise in each week. I know this will really help me the further along I get in the pregnancy. 

That's about it! Hope ya'll have a great week!


  1. Enjoy the sleep now while you still can. I think late in the pregnancy you stop being able to sleep well to prepare you for the late night feeding to come. :) I'm glad everything's going well with your pregnancy!

  2. aw, yay for lots of sleep! haha :) Mark says I take coma naps, then he was always amazed how I could go right back to sleep and sleep the whole night. So funny! You have to tell me RIGHT AWAY what y'all are having!! I work Wednesday and if we do the shower on Thursday I have ONE DAY (with a sono for me that day too) to try and decorate for a shower...pink or blue???

    Can't wait for you to be in TX!
