On Tuesday night I experienced a first in my life. Kyle had to take me to the ER for dehydration due to my mono. I have been to the ER many, many times with other people, but never for myself! However, I had begun to notice on Tuesday that my face and eyelids were swelling, as well as my eyelids turning red. My lips were turning white and cracked and I was nauseous almost all day. After consulting with my family back home, we decided that I needed to go in.
After checking me in, Kyle and I waited for a while to see the doctor. However, once he came he reassured me that all my symptoms were normal for someone with mono and to not even be surprised if I have to go back to the ER another time or two for hydration before I'm well.
They hooked me up to an IV (after trying both arms and two different sized needles because my veins were so dehydrated!) and gave me a bag of fluids and a tube of anti-nausea medicine and another tube of a steroid for the pains in my stomach (most likely caused by an enlarged liver and spleen due to the mono). Once the nurse began to inject the anti-nausea medicine I was out!!! I must be very sensitive to medicine because I slept until we left the hospital at 4 something in the morning.
Kyle was absolutely AMAZING and sat by my side the entire time and watched out for me!!! He held my hand, talked to me, reassured me, etc... he is such a blessing to me! :-) Thank you Babe! I couldn't have done it without you! :-)
I left the hospital with two prescriptions for a steroid and more anti-nausea medicine to help me through this next week. Hopefully, by then much of the discomfort of mono will be gone and I will only have to deal with the fatigue over the next couple of months. One thing about mono that I keep hearing is that it is easy to contract again if you do not give your body ample time to heal after the first time you have it. Even though mono is only a virus, it is still not something you want to mess with! I am so grateful that I have contracted this at a time when I have several weeks to do nothing and I can rest a lot. God is so faithful, even in the simplest details!
Thank you for all of your prayers as I continue to regain strength and health. Lord-willing, I'll be feeling well again soon. :-)
Baby, you mean so much to me! I never even considered leaving your side while you were in the ER. God IS faithful time and time again! Praise the Lord for hospitals and workers who know what to do!
Yes, Baby! Thank the Lord for modern medicine and doctors! You were amazing that night, Sweety! I appreciate all that you have done for me so much!!! :-)
Didn't know visiting the ER for yourself was a first....well congrats! :) haha. Oh, and remember that night we took Lisa to the ER....oh my gosh the memories....trying to sleep....blah. Anyway, glad you are doing better :) They need to at least give you a sheet at that ER...ERs are not too great about those details are they? And isn't Phenergan lovely? That medication will knock most people out...it's a very useful drug if you ask me! :) Wish I was up there! We could hang out and watch girly movies...that'd be fun. Miss ya girl. Get lots of sleep!!! LOVE YOU :) :) :)
Don't worry Jess, I'll watch the girly movies with her :-)
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