So I'm finally back to menu planning again. I've really reaped the benefits this last week of planning and shopping all at once, which saves me so much time, money, energy, and sanity! With me trying to cut out foods that turn into sugar in my body (in order to get rid of my Candida) this has further limited my menus. However, we are persevering and enjoying new recipes. I've also found that planning a lunch menu is helpful (although some days I'm lazy and do left-overs... which neither of us mind!) As I post this meal plan, know that we almost never stick to it strictly. It's more of a guide for me. A lot of times I'll end up switching meals to a different night. However, with our schedule being fluid during this season of life, I've found that being flexible is best.
Lunch - Bar-B-Q Chicken (with homemade sauce) / carrot bake / okra
Dinner - Community group
Lunch - Greek Salad / Ground Beef / Cultured Veggies
Dinner - Quinoa Tabouli with Mint Garlic Dressing / Roasted Squash and Zucchini
Prep: Boil eggs, make salads for Tuesday, grill burgers
Tuesday - (class night)
Lunch - Cobb salad / turkey, hard boiled eggs, red bell peppers, almonds, etc.../ Cultured Veggies
Dinner - Grilled burgers / green beans / corn
Prep: Prepare salads for lunch
Lunch - Roasted Chicken / Salad / Cultured Veggies
Dinner - Scalloped potatoes / broccoli / sautéed carrots / all topped with Luscious Lemon Butter Sauce
Prep: make homemade almond mayonnaise, soak buckwheat flour
Thursday - (class night)
Lunch - Tuna fish salad lettuce wraps (using homemade almond mayonnaise) / Cultured Veggies
Dinner - Homemade buckwheat noodles / pesto sauce / steamed cauliflower and carrots
Lunch - Leftovers / salad / Cultured Veggies
Dinner - Date Night out
Lunch - Onion pie / salad / Cultured Veggies
Dinner - leftovers / salads/ sandwich for Kyle
Most of my recipes from this week are taken out of the Body Ecology Diet book.
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