Also, the Body Ecology Diet website gives a great step-by-step guideline to making coconut kefir and coconut cheese.
Step-by-Step Pictures
Tissue? Crybaby...
14 years ago
Also, the Body Ecology Diet website gives a great step-by-step guideline to making coconut kefir and coconut cheese.
Step-by-Step Pictures
Thanks, Michelle. I am dairy free right now since it affects Samuel, so this is great. Where do you buy your coconuts? I don't think I've seen them at Central Market or any other stores around here.
I buy mine at Whole Foods. They are only $2.99 each, which is a good buy for a normal grocery/health food store. However, $3 each, plus four per batch can get a little pricey! So, I'm actually hoping to buy my next batch at an Asian/Thai store (assuming we have those here! ha!).
Do you ever go to Whole Foods in Arlington? I think they are so much better than Whole Foods because they have their own 365 brand for so many things that is cheaper! I buy my shampoo and conditioner there, 365 brand, for $2.99 a bottle. Now, that's excellent or a natural product!
*I meant to say that Whole Foods is so much better than Central Market!*
I have only been to WF in Arlington once, but should really go back. CM is seriously lacking in organic produce and meat. I've been getting most of our meat and eggs from farmers' markets in the mid cities area that sell products from local farms. I have not been near as successful with produce though.
That is a great price on hair products! I am considering going back to baking soda and vinegar on my hair, but just have not. Natural hair products are so pricey!
If I can drive to Bedford for food, I can drive to A-town, I supposed. :)
To me it would be well worth the effort! If you do it only every week or two, that might not be as bad. I buy pretty much exclusively at Whole Foods (at least until the Farmer's Markets reopen here)... oh and they do have a coupon booklet up near the front at the customer service desk at ours that sometimes is very helpful.
I buy almost all of my produce organic from there, but they do offer some conventional veggies too. Like today, they were out of organic squash so I didn't mind buying conventional.
I'm about to post my meal plan for next week... but I walked out today (not including meat, since we're buying that once a month now plus a few more things at costco) and I spent $75.24 for a whole week! That's not bad at all... we were spending more but I've really tried to stick to our meal plans and budget.
So, there is a way to go all organic, fairly cheaply, without spending quite as much as people think! We've also cut back to meat once a day to help cut costs. That has really helped free some money for organics.
I hope this is helpful and that you find Whole Foods helpful. If I lived nearby I'd take you there one day and point out everything I love about it! :-)
Here is a link to Whole Foods' "Whole Deal" coupon booklet and money saving ideas.
Oh, and the 365 shampoos and conditioners are not completely organic, but they are close enough for me for now. I tried the baking soda and vinegar combination but my hair looked like I had dreadlocks! haha... ewww... anyway... so I was excited when I found cheap stuff at WF!
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