So, yesterday was Day 1 of our journey on the Hallelujah Diet. Now, you may be wondering how on earth we ended up with this diet and eating style... however, it's been an adventure getting here. If you've been reading my blog, you'll know I was looking into the Blood Type diet... and they said that for blood type As you should eat vegetarian... however, I wasn't sure that this is the way that God intended our bodies to eat... why else would He give us meat, right?
Well, a few days after reading in that book, I picked up a random health magazine that is published here in Louisville and as I scanned it, my eyes came upon a whole article about eating just raw fruits and vegetables. Interesting... I thought.
Then, a couple days later, I was talking to a dear friend who has been working on eating a new way this summer and has been having tremendous results! I asked her what diet she was on and she said the Hallelujah Diet. I was immediately intrigued, remembering that my Mom had looked into this eating lifestyle back when she had cancer. She began to explain to me that she had cut out meat, dairy, etc...
Wow, this is the third "vegetarian" diet to be exposed to ... hmm...
The next night Kyle and I went to Half Price Books and I began to peruse their diet books section and behold what I found for $6.98:
I was so excited! I went home and began reading through the book... a couple days into it, I had already read about half the book. I have been so intrigued and encouraged by Dr. Malkmus' research, biblical groundings behind the eating lifestyle, and practical ways that this way of eating has helped multitudes of people overcome diseases. (Everything from cancers, to diabetes, to autoimmune disorders.)
Dr. Malkmus was diagnosed with colon cancer shortly after his own mother was diagnosed with colon cancer and died from it. As he watched his mother pursue the traditional medical ways of treating cancer, he thought that there must be a different way to treat cancer! When he was diagnosed, he refused to go the traditional way and began to seek out counsel. A friend of his pointed him to Genesis 1:29, which states: "Then God said, 'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you.' "
His friend encouraged him to begin to eat a raw diet that consisted of vegetables, fruits, and nuts... Dr. Malkmus began eating that way the next day... eliminating all of the pizza, meats, ice cream... and other dearly beloved foods from his diet... he ate only raw foods...
A year later, when he went back to his doctor, his cancer had shrunk... now... 30 years later, he is still cancer free.
Over the last 30 years, Dr. Malkmus has been researching the benefit of eating God's way, as directed in Genesis 1:29. He believes that by eliminating all animal products: meats, milk, cheeses, yogurt... all dairy... that you eliminate some of the most harmful toxins in your body... which feed cancers and various diseases.
Also, almost all food that average Americans consume have been processed and "killed" by being cooked and preserved, in order to keep shelf life. However, God intended our bodies to eat "living" foods... foods which still contain their freshness... raw veggies and fruits.
Back in the 90's... Dr. Malkmus began the Hallelujah Acres Ministry. He is a Christian and has a heart to educate America about what God has been showing him about health, diet, and foods. Over the years, he has seen God use this diet in so many peoples lives, to heal them of disease.
I have yet to be diagnosed with a disease... however, as I look around myself... people much younger than myself are dying daily of cancers, diabetes, heart disease, etc... and many more are fighting the battle to find a cure.
Why not take up the challenge and begin to eat the way that God originally designed our bodies to eat? It's not an easy road... next time you walk through the grocery store... look at the inside isles... eating the biblical way... you can hardly touch anything on those isles! Yet, when we think of all the multiple veggies... fruits... nuts... and grains that God created for us to eat... with a little work... we can still prepare beautiful meals for our families that honor not only our bodies... but our Lord.
Now, you may be asking: "But what about meat?" "Why would God give us meat?" "How do you get enough protein?" Now, I can't answer all of these questions... I'm still new to this diet... however, concerning God giving us meat to eat, Dr. Malkmus gives an interesting bit of info in his book. As we look back into the book of Genesis, he points out that God gave Adam and Eve the fresh vegetation to live off. It wasn't until years later, after the flood, that God gave Noah and his generation meat to eat. Also, he notes, that disease is not mentioned in the bible until after the introduction of meat into the human diets... and the drop in age and lifespan happened after the flood and the introduction of meat.
Now, I haven't taken time to personally study this from scripture, but if what he is saying is true, then our bodies were truly made to eat veggies, fruits, and grains.
The Hallelujah Diet consists of 85% raw and 15% cooked foods. So... our days look like this: Breakfast = fruit smoothie, Snack = fruit or veggies, Lunch = big salad, Snack = fruit or veggies and nuts, Dinner = raw and cooked veggies... last night was brown rice, cooked green beans, and apple/nut salad.
More to come... on Day 2!
Lunch before leaving for work...
Dinner: Apple/Nut salad with Orange dressing (super YUMMY!), Brown rice with sauteed onions on top, and fresh cooked green beans from our friend's garden.
Tissue? Crybaby...
14 years ago
Thank you for sharing! I am enjoying it! i agree to all of it.I pray for you so that you keep it up for this 21 days.Smiles,Solange
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